Online City Name Generator

Generate Real or Fictional City Names


Tool Introduction

The online city name generator is an AI city naming tool capable of generating real or virtual city names in multiple languages.

Whether you are a writer, game designer, city planner, or brand manager, this city naming tool can help you find the perfect city name.

City names often reflect a place's history, culture, geographical features, or significant events. Many city names originate from ancient languages and traditions. For example, Rome is named after its founder Romulus; New York was originally named New Amsterdam, in honor of the Duke of York.

In virtual worlds, city names need to be unique and fit the background and atmosphere of the work. For example, the city names Tolkien created in 'The Lord of the Rings' such as 'Minas Tirith' and 'Gondor' are not only unique but also filled with an epic feel, perfectly matching the novel's setting.

Our AI name generator supports multiple languages, including Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, etc. You can customize the generation of city names in different languages according to your needs. The online city name generator can create realistic style city names suitable for real-world city naming needs; it can also generate virtual style names, ideal for creative works such as novels and games.
